July 2, 2008

J & D or J & D?

Okay, I don’t feel too adequate on writing much on this last weeks The Bachelorette…. As I didn’t see the first hour, and only watched bits and pieces of the second part.
First and foremost, THANK YOU for sending "WEIRD-O slash Fraud slash Crazy brothers slash Drama Diary Reading on American television" Jeremy home. Although very cute, very weird.

All I have to say is that I am SOOOOOO routing for Jesse! Tender. He’s sooo not the typical "Hot-Shot Hottie" they always seem to have on the show- but your average (perhaps “under dog” type) looking guy with a super fun personality/job. He would keep DeAnna young with all his jokes and pranks and adventurous life style… where as if she were to go with Jeremy + one, she would SO stress out BIG time, seeing as she knows nothing about kids... think back… to golf ball/star naming certificate- seriously retarded. Who gives little kids those types of things anyways?!

BUUUUUUUT, did anyone see:

1. The VENOM in DeAnna’s eyes towards Graham while on the “guys tell all” episode.

2. Or was it a “lovers quarrel”, but just with the eyes?!?! We’ll never know.

I’m not sure, but it came across more like:

3. “I Still Want You, and Am Bitter That You Didn’t Give Me What I Wanted” look.

What a tard. You could VISIBLY see that she was still very upset and that Graham still didn't care. Oh tension! Duuuuh duuuhn DUUUUN!
The End.


Kacey said...

HILarious! Since I'm totally into this show you know I can't wait for your review every week. (I think I got Jeremy and Jason confused) but whatever his name is that she sent home on Monday...I honestly felt bad for him but I think she made a good decision. She kept saying he's just so PERFECT and that disturbed me! Granted he is HOT though so I'm sure he's already had a million date offers since.
Guy with kid. I actually kind of like him but he is a bit unnaturally cheezy sometimes. I'm with you and Lindsy. I think she's gonna pick Jesse. All the things you said about him are right on...and can't you just see him as an adorable future dad? Plus he's very adventuresome and you can tell DeAnna loves that.

Marmee said...

I AM SOOOOO over DeAnna. Please someone tell her 1) that her heart will not break, it's scientifically impossible 2) Brad Womack didn't just dump her, he dumped another batchelorette as well, which brings me to 3) Get over yourself DeAnna....you are not everything and all that!!! Your are not always right and your "supposed honesty" is just brutal bad-apples about not getting your way and what you want!!! Good Luck to Graham, Jeremy and whomever she doesn't pick....they've dodged a bullet (in my humble opinion)!!!