July 6, 2008

Don't Hate...

....So I know that most of you that look at this blog are HUGE Stephanie Meyer fans... me included- almost. Okay, so here's the deal. I read Twilight in a day- I definitely wanted to know what happened, although it toooooook forever to get to the main point. Not to mention the pages and pages of Bella's obsession with Edwards looks, and NOT much else. That, can easily be looked over. I mean, how many of us have been "obsessed" purely on looks alone? And how long have those obsessions lasted? NOT LONG, right?! Not that that's the ONLY thing Bella ever mentions about Edward. Weeeeell, actually, what other characteristics does she ever point out about the love of her life? Anyways, Twilight was good. New Moon took a bit longer to read... I was definitely pissed at Edward for taking off, Oooooh. What a jerk. Okay, so I'm over it.

NOW to my main issue. Eclipse. Booooooooring. I'm in 300 pages and it's week 3. For such an easy read, it's taking me FOREEEEVER. LAME! I'm just SO disappointed. Maybe it's Bella's bellyaching that's getting on my nerves or the fact that she's leading Jake on... ugh, I'm over her. I want Edward to call it a day- BITE her and make her a freaking vampire so she'll stop complaining already!

So I'm getting to the point where I don't care anymore about the characters and I'm starting to read other books. BUT I'm not a quitter! I want to finish it, I really do, I promise.... but I have a feeling that finishing Eclipse will be more painful than having to read Bella and Edward have another awkward moment... you know what I mean.


Kacey said...

Can you describe to us what you mean exactly? lol JK!!!! I loved Twilight...had to read New Moon to find out what happened and Eclipse got on my nerves by the end for exactly the same reasons. Bella drove me nuts!

JulieB said...

Hah, that's funny. I thought Twilight was ok, but I didn't get too into it. But when I finally read the last 2 books I really liked them! :)

McKenna said...

I got really sick of the same old discriptions that she constantly gave Edward FE: "His stone cold fingers," was mentioned about a million times. I got through it though and you should too. At least to say you did it.

Thanielson said...

Seriously. You should totally finish the series. Not because I did, because you know I'll never start. But just think of all the "and it came to pass"-es that you read in the BOM, and you finished that, right? :p