July 12, 2008

A Boy Magnet....???

So for whatever reason, I thought I'd share a little something with you all, a trend you could say. It's something I've noticed a lot in my life lately. In the last few months I have, for NO reason at all become a boy magnet... for gay guys. Straight, no. Gay, yes. Not as in HAPPY-Go-Lucky Gay, but as in the guys-attracted-to-guys kind of gay. Personal beliefs aside, as we all have our own personal beliefs and our own personal struggles, I am not opposed to having my new found friends. In fact, it's not like I go out of my way to find these new friends, it all just sorta happens: we chit-chat, we click, and Whaaaa-La, we're insta-friends! Just as I would anyone else, male, female, young, old, straight or gay.

In fact, as I recall- it all started my first semester back at ASU this last January. I walked into my English 200 class.... did a quick scan over the room, found the most attractive male, made my way over to the seat closest to him, sat down and thought of a conversation I could start. Within minutes, well, more like mere seconds of starting convo with Cute Boy (as we'll call him!) my "gaydar" as it's called, goes off. I don't know how we started talking, but I'm sure I pointed out something I liked about what he was wearing. The fact that he wasn't in board shorts, flip flops and a wife beater was a nice change, and is rarely seen on campus- that's ASU for you. So he's smartly dressed. Big deal. His taste is clothes was amazing. First tip off, I now know. I guess I should have know before I sat down, but hey, I'm trying to be optimistic about guys + fabulous clothes.

Johnny: "I'm sorry girl, I'm just not into you... I'm into him over there..."

So anyways, to make a long story short, Cute Boy and I totally click. We can talk about anything and everything. Clothes, boys, religion, emotions. I can tell him it's sad he's on my "team" b/c if he wasn't we'd be dating by now, and he can tell me when I need to reapply my lip gloss, and show me new dance moves. He's almost like my new BFF! (Joooooking Amber!)

And well, before I know it... I have another new gay male friend at my early morning job. A bit older, and a lot more flamboyant, we are insta-office-friends. We talk almost everyday on the phone- even tho we see each other EVERYDAY in the office. And now that I've quit that job, we still talk everyday. Now on to my new job- and once again my small pool of gay guy friends is on the rise. Second gay male insta-office friend and I text ALL the time- him trying to convince me to do karaoke with him... me kindly declining- I've told him, I'm tone deaf!

Where is all this coming from? What do I do to get all this attention.... from fabulous guys, but guys on MY OWN TEAM!?!? That's competition!!! Ugh! Lol. My Mom even pointed out to me that I have a lot of gay male friends, it's THAT obvious! Where have all the straight guys gone? Where are my dating options? It's nice to have attention- from the opposite sex- but then again, it's not the kind of attention I'm after : )


JulieB said...

haha, you do have to be careful when a guy dresses TOO well, don't you.

Lindsy said...

K but look on the bright side... you have fabulous shopping partners and plenty of them.