I’m a big believer in having LOTS and lots of friends. The more the merrier, right? And everywhere you go too. I like knowing that if I were to go somewhere I might possibly have someone I can visit while visiting. It’s always great when you make friends. Some friends are usually better than others. Some you carry with you throughout life, and keep in contact with on a regular basis, sometimes daily, for years. Others you email randomly or send Christmas cards to, sporadically. But when it comes down to it, you usually have ONE Best Friend. My best friend is Amber. Here’s my favorite picture of her (in Koh Pii Pii):

1. of the highest quality, excellence, or standing: the best work; the best students.
2. most advantageous, suitable, or desirable: the best way.
3. largest; most: the best part of a day.
–adverb, superl. of well with better as compare.
4. in or to the highest degree; most fully (usually used in combination): best-suited; best-known; best-loved. (we seem to try to only let the BEST things into our lives, right?)
5. something or someone that is best: They always demand and get the best. The best of us can make mistakes.
Now I do believe that those who are married are definitely best friends with their spouse (or I’d hope so!). BUT they usually have one other person that would be next in line to talk to, get advise from, call when you’re upset and who will listen to you when you just need to vent.
Amber, my Best Friend, is that person. And this blog entry is dedicated just to her! YAY! Haha! Here are some of my favorite pictures of Amber and more importantly, my favorite things about my bff…

She’s funny. She’ll help pull out hair extensions, for a little while! She’ll go out of her way to try to make me happy. She’s SMART! (In a cooking class in Chang Mai, Thailand). And has common sense. She likes to have a good time. She has morals and values. She likes to have chill time. Amber likes to meet and talk to new people.

I really like Amber too. Rolling posters was made easier with her around. And she's so pretty!
Courtney, YOUR the BEST!!!!!! Your sweet ode to me almost made me cry. Hahaha, but laugh at the same time.
You are officially a blogger... I am proud!! LOL We miss arizona and parties at your Mom's house. They were always delicious :) So what are you up to these days?
If you are going to catch that football coach/teacher Brian, you need to learn to spell....for example: conceded is actually spelled "conceited", although conceded is also a word....such as "the south conceded to the north, ending the civil war"... (spell check g/f)!!! And yes, I do believe Amber Conley is the BEST friend a girl can have!!! Luv you Amber.
Thanks Mom... I can always count on you to correct my terrible spelling. That's what I get for having you type up all my reports while growing up! haha.
Whenever I think of Amber, I think of you guys saying "Yay!!" constantly in China. Hahha...So good to have a best friend like that!
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