August 25, 2008

I'm totally addicted to...

...this freaking cool you tube video! I don't know why... Maybe it's the long hair the guys are sporting? The song they chose to play? (GO 80's butt rock band "Europe"!) Or perhaps it's the teen-head-banging (flash back-flash back!) while playing such classical instruments? Regardless of the fact that they're off tune a bit... they absolutely ROCK!
But none-the-less I heart this video... makes me wish I could play the violin that's sitting in the corner of my room... *sigh* Enjoy!


Julie said...

Anything that has to do with The Final Countdown HAS to rock. That's awesome!!

Lindsy said...

Thats quite silly in an amusing way. I love there faces and how into it they are, but I wasn't vibing except on the chorus. Hmm, notice how shiny their hair is. I wonder what products they are using?

Courtney's Corner of the World said...

Seriously... before I knew how to work with curly hair... their hair is the hair I prayed for... perfectly bone straight AND shiny! You crack me up Lindsy!!