August 29, 2008

A first...

So this is my first summer here in Arizona... I would never recommend summers here to anyone. They suck. Period. Well, mainly because the AC in my car is OUT! And I'm not willing to throw down a $1000 bucks to get it fixed. (I don't think my car is worth much more than that anyways). Bitter, you ask? HELL YEAH! Perhaps because I feel like I AM IN HELL WHEN I DRIVE ANYWHERE!

ANYWAYS... getting the point of this blah blah blooooog entry...

So Arizona has this thing called "Monsoon Season" that happens towards the end of summer. Weird, I know. But really, we do. It will be about a thousand degrees during the day, and then all of a sudden (usually later in the afternoon to night time) the clouds roll in and it just DOWN POURS, seemingly out of nowhere. I love it. It washes away all the dust and cools down the whole place- also making it a bit humid and flooding everything in the mean time. O-well.

And tonight was NO exception. DOWN POUR it was. Except tonight we had a LIGHTING SHOW! And I must say, tonight I experienced one of the most amazing lighting shows ever! (Better than the one's I used to see in Utah as a kid- UT does have some pretty good lighting storms tho). I love watching lighting to begin with, there's something SO amazing seeing the whole sky light up... you hear the sky roll with thunder and "CRACK" you see lighting dancing from one end of the valley to the other end, keeping the sky lit for several seconds!

While driving home tonight I could have turned my headlights off and gotten home just fine, the lighting was that bright and happening that often! And you know it's a great storm when you're driving home and there's a MASSIVE split-in-half tree that's fallen in the road because it was struck by lighting! Exciting!!!

Now I didn't see the tree being hit by lighting, but this is what I would imagine it to look like! Also, this is the closest picture I could find to compare with what the sky looked like... it was SO bright! I'm obviously really excited about this... I am such a dork!


Julie said...

you are so not a dork. the midwest has kick butt lightening storms and we would turn out all the lights and sit and watch from our bedroom. that is 1 of the 2 things i actually miss about IL.

Amy said...

Yep, dork!! JK Ummm, don't you remember living in AZ DURING the summer with me and your mom???? or did you forget about finding the 'perfect' cactus???

Stacey said...

Hey! Yeah I used to blag all the time and decided to get back into it. Pickles was wonderful by the way... She didn't like getting a bath but it was a good weekend. Oh and I agree the storms lately have been awesome.

SusieQ said...

I LOVE lightening! We had a really good lightening storm a couple weeks ago. I stayed up forever watching it outside our living room window.

Becky said...

When I lived in AZ I would just stare at the sky during lightning storms. I know everyone who was from AZ thought I was crazy but I have never seen such amazing lightning shows. I suppose that makes me a dork too!