September 4, 2008

-Correction!!! Amy W. pointed out in my "Firsts" blog that this really ISN'T my first summer here in AZ... she stands correct. I really have spent a few summers here in AZ already. Why? I probably had a car with AC, so I didn't know how bad it would suck without it! Amy and I spent the summer together here several years ago... I want to say about 10 years ago? I think I was just 15?! Also, the following summer with my BFF Amber. We took summer classes ALL DAY LOOOOONG.

-Okay, so there were THREE August birthdays within my own immediate familia... SO a (late) HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout out to them: Cameron, Mom & Pat!!! LOVE YOU GUYS! Along with ALL the other birthday people in my extended family, cuz there's like a bazillion of you August birthday...FELIZ CUMPLEANOS!

-New position at work!! YAY! Sooo I'm still working for Dish Network and I've just been promoted within the company to work in the QA department... oooooh, aaaaah. I know. You're all jealous, right?! haha! Well, not that this is my dream job or anything (it pays the bills and that's about it!) but I'm really excited to "move up" in the world and make... salary- oooooh, aaaah (such a grown up thing!) and have a semi-normal schedule...

- I use Leslie Rushton's (my cute cousin) blog to see if anyone in the famliy has updated their blog.... lol. She get's up dates on everyone. It's FABULOUS! Saves so much time! I know I can "add" that onto my blog page as well, but I don't wanna! Thank you Leslie!

-So this weekend I'm watching the Pickles, yes, she's fine, and yes, she's still in her diaper. I think her "accidents" are more frequent than ever... sad. BUT the main reason I have her is because Pat & Peri are off to see the Grandbebe.... I couldn't be MORE JEALOUS! I'll admit it. I'm so so so sososososossssoooooooo jealous that they get to play with little Olivia and kiss her cheeks and make her laugh for the next few days. I wanna go! Ugh.

-New Calling!! Yep, so I moved and am now in a new ward, along with about 60 other people (they just redid the ward/student boundaries) so it's nice to not be the only new person. So before I made it to the second week I was asked to serve as the RS Education counsel/1st counselor.... EXCITING!! I really love love love it. It gives me a great excuse to be UBER friendly and go up to anyone really and get to know them, without even really having a reason other than "I'm trying to get to know EVERYONE in the ward, nice to meet you!" The BEST part tho... I still get to teach in RS!!! LOVE IT!

-Etsy. If you don't know what it is... CHECK IT OUT! I'm ADDICTED! I'm going to do a blog on some of the items I've purchased from there... looooove it!

-I heart my classes this semester! Although I feel as though I'm swimming in a sea of "little" people (18-21 year olds) I love my professors and now that I've finally found "my major" (Tourism Development & Management = fun fun fun!!!), I love going to class and I DON'T even mind going 3 days a week!

-I miss my G-bob (Gentry)... we had such a good time hanging out last weekend. I always have "withdrawals" every time I leave that side of the family, seeing as I get to visit with them a few times a year: ( Especially him for some reason. He's such a cute, warm, friendly, fun, inquisitive little "G-Man" as he likes to be called. Don't get me wrong... I miss everyone else too, Dad, Gina, Andude, and little Ashby...


JulieB said...

Love the update! Way to go on the promotion, you rock. Sorry about pickles peeing on the carpet by the way! We wish you were here this weekend. Also- Google Reader- you need to get updated on the blog world and start using it! It updates you when people update their blogs, you check it when you check your gmail. It's the best. And I love ETSY too! Also addicting. Can't wait to see you next month!

Julie said...

Nice update! i think you should stay blonde! I think it looks cute. Also, sign up for google reader so you can get your blog updates. I totally procrastinated it but its the easiest way to track your fave blogs! Anyways, love ya girl. You'll do great in your new calling!