It's been a while since I've done any blogging lately... and I have some pretty BIG updates!
I'm MOVING!!! YAY!! Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't stay put for long. About 7 months top in one place at a time. That's the going time length for me these days. Lol. Since being home from the mission, (2 years this last December, geezzzz, time flies!) I've lived in Scottsdale, Tempe, Ahwatukee and now I'm moving to Chandler (with a small stint in Asia). OH! and check it... I'll be living with all LDS girls... WEIRD! I've never had LDS roommates before, so this should be fun :) Out of the 4 of us 2 have served missions, sooo that should be fun!
I got my first "instult" here on my BLOG!!! Crazy! Hahahaa! Here is it for your reading pleasure:
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I don't care if he's a Communist!" Remember that one? It was about {hot} Russian {sexy} tennis {puuuuuurrrrr} player, hottness Marat Safin:
'You're an idiot... just because someone is Russian doesn't make them a communist - that's just plain insulting. Learn about the different cultures of the world and the politics before you make comments like that, especially on the Internet where people who have a higher brain capacity than you can see it.'
Isn't that hilarious?! Seriously! Who goes around calling people idiots? Besides Tom Hanks trash talking Mormons... but seriously?!? Okay, I can catch myself trash talking certain things/people too, and I'm working on that... but I'd wouldn't be posting it on someones blog. Well, not as anonymous at least! So I thought you'd all get a kick outta that! I find it quite entertaining actually. Here's a little something to enjoy, again....

School starts! yay! One more semester down, two more to go after this one. 15 credits too. Phhhheeew! + working full time, yes - 40 hours. Pretty exciting. Well, basically I won't be having a social life for the next 4 months
I have to find a place to go for Spring Break!!! I'm thinking that I'll be meeting up with some buddy from Nor California in Southern California to hit up some amusement parks... but we'll see. I'd really like to go to Costa Rica or something?!?! Any Ideas?!? Somewhere CHEAP?!
I went to Park City, while the Sundance Fetival was going on this week, up here in Utah and DIDN'T see anyone famous.... BUT talked to some kid that seemed to have done too many drugs or was just putting on a really good act, on the bus that saw Will Smith buying some Nikes.... ooooh la la. So basically I'm ONE person away from Will Smith, or however that works?!? Funny experience tho :)

Gentry and I had a little dance party like old days. We danced to Out Kast- Hey Ya!!! Just like old times when I had moved home and shared a room with him.... sooo funny. I taught him to "Shake-a-Bumm" AND "Raise the Roof" - you've never seen anything as cute as a 3 year old shak'in his bumm!! Although his skills have digressed a bit, I'll have to come back up here more often to give him a few lessons!
I heart... RUNNING! No joke. I love it. Well, I guess I'm growing to love it. I guess right now I'm just liking it. But it feels great! I haven't gone in a few days due to sickness and then being on vaca in Utah (riiiiight, vaca in Utah?!?!?)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Amy Winehouse.... well, her music, not the cracked out version of herself. Unfortunate. She alone should be able to scare the CRAP outta anyone who might even be considering doing drugs... riiiight!

OH, and I've got two weeks to get caught up on The Bachelor... but I will... and that will be it's own blog. BUT I'm now obsessed with The Biggest Loser! LOVE LOVE LOVE that show! Soooo good... more on that later.... this is long enough!
Ciao for now!! More to come, after I get my homework done... I've got like 60 pages of STUFF to read... *sigh*
hahahaha! I LOVE that you got ripped on. That is too funny. I agree about Amy Winehouse being the poster child for what drugs does for someone. Check out my blog to see what I had to say about Tom Hanks comments and last, but not least I had FUN FUN FUN visiting with you on Saturday. Thanks for the visit! Good luck moving and good luck with school!
oooooh girl. that's by far the funniest pic i've seen of winehouse. too funny....almost embarrassing that i was her for halloween. hahaha... good luck with your upcoming move! we have TONS of boxes, if you need any!! :)
Seriously if I were Amy Winehouse I'd use some of my money to fix those teeth.
oh...and p.s. Tom Hanks called Mormons "Un-American". Wouldn't you think standing up for free speech, and our morals and values would be viewed as American as you can get? Aren't those the rights and privileges that make America great? Hmm...
That is funny someone got so mad and ripped you a comment. That's actually happened to me a few times too. Seriously, people need to lighten up.
And by the way girl...where are your Bachelor reviews this season? I miss them!! Are you watching it?
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